date 2013-05-29
Lean Six Sigma Training Does The Cause And Effect Analysis

Lean Six Sigma Training Does The Cause And Effect Analysis

The essence of carrying out any Six Sigma project in an organisation is to remove or decrease the variation in the quality or design specifications for an item that is caused due to mass production. Practically one cannot achieve a production that is fully devoid of any defective item. Some items will deviate from specifications because you are in a manufacturing process that is producing million items of a product in one go. What can be however done is to reduce this variation to bare minimum and that is the core address of a Six Sigma process. It evaluates the cause and measures the effect to suggest the best possible solution to minimise the variation. Lean Six Sigma training is designed to train you to learn the techniques of applying Six Sigma processes to cause and effect analysis.

Cause and effect is a technique which may be used in improving processes. There may be different causes that affect a given problem. This helps generate thought processes and reveal hidden relationships that are root causes of the problem. As soon as a defect is declared finding the root cause of the defect becomes the mission of the Six Sigma teams. Six Sigma training trains you to learn about the cause and effect analysis as a valuable tool for problem solving. It can help the Six Sigma teams focus on the cause or group of causes that are affecting the quality of a product.

Once the cause or group of causes that are causing the defect are identified the analysis shifts to finding the list of possible solutions to the problem. Then the Six Sigma narrows down to identifying the best possible solution. The new solution is then implemented.  Thereafter, the   new procedure is controlled and observed to verify that defect has been eradicated and the yield now is acceptable to the market and customers. Six Sigma training Cambridge will cover the above under the topic DMAIC process. The acronym DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyse, Implement and Control.

As you may have noticed, Six Sigma is a measure of quality of yield (3.4 defects per million opportunities). In addition, it is also a methodology since it addresses the needs of the customers. With these two characteristics Six Sigma becomes a complete management process since all operational processes of an organisation also improve along with the process of problem solving. The build up to problem solving brings all procedures and processes under scanner of the improvement process.

Though Six Sigma is time consuming and involves almost all the employees of the organisation Six Sigma is therefore a very costly preposition. However, the paybacks received after implementation of the Six Sigma process in an organisation more than compensate for the expenses incurred. Six Sigma training is thus a popular course to do to enable you to be a   vital and important part of the improvement process. The post of project champion can be yours if you have done Six Sigma certification.  


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