Portfolio of clients

Since 1998, we’ve been working tirelessly to deliver high-quality training solutions to an extensive portfolio of clients.

As well as independent customers, we’ve helped a wide range of businesses and government departments throughout the UK improve their operations. Our clients can be found across industries including Financial Providers & Insurers, Networking and Telecommunication, Manufacturing, Pharmaceuticals, The Public Sector, Local Government, Universities, Charities, Information Technology, Police Services, The National Health Service and many more.

  • atkins
  • oxfam
  • ibm
  • hsbc
  • nhs
  • nhs
  • nhs
  • nhs
  • nhs
  • nhs
  • nhs
  • nhs
  • nhs
  • nhs


Finance Insurance

  • HSBC Bank PLC Card Service
  • Royal Bank of Scotland Deloitte
  • American Express Payment Services Ltd
  • Silicon Valley Bank
  • Kuwait Finance House Bank
  • SAGA Services Ltd
  • Experian Marketing Services
  • Deutsche Bank


Local Government

  • Durham County Council
  • Oldham Council
  • Portsmouth City Council
  • Newcastle City Council
  • Chesterfield Borough Council
  • Aberdeen Council
  • Edinburgh Council
  • Essex County Council


National Health Service

  • Blackpool Teaching Hospitals
  • St Georges NHS Trust
  • Wolverhampton Royal NHS Trust
  • NHS Leicestershire County & Rutland
  • Brent NHS Community Services
  • Birmingham NHS Shared Service
  • Kent Health Informatics
  • South East Coast Ambulance Service


Police, Fire & Rescue

  • Metropolitan Police
  • Hampshire Constabulary
  • Strathclyde Police
  • South Yorkshire Police
  • West Midlands Police
  • Northern Ireland Policing Board
  • London Fire Brigade
  • Kent Police


Government Departments

  • MoD Gosport
  • Department of Finance
  • Welsh Assembly
  • HM Treasury
  • Environment Agency
  • Civil Service College
  • Highways Agency
  • Department of Transport
  • Deutsche Bank


IT & Telecommunications

  • IBM
  • Vodafone Plc
  • Opus Telecom
  • Samsung Electronics UK Ltd
  • Microsystems International
  • Red Bee Media
  • Orange
  • Bluefish Communications Ltd
  • O2



  • Oxfam
  • NVCO
  • Cancer Research
  • Welcome Trust
  • British Heart Foundation
  • Barnados
  • National Heart Federation
  • Peabody Housing



  • Queen Mary University of London
  • University of Bristol
  • Sheffield Hallam University
  • Cardiff University
  • Nottingham Trent University
  • Bradford University
  • University of Kent
  • Durham University
  • Exeter University



  • British Airways
  • Transport for London
  • London Underground
  • BMW
  • Ford
  • Southern Rail
  • Qantas
  • General Motors
  • Department of Transport


Manufacturing & Services

  • BAE
  • BP
  • Atkins Global
  • Amey PLC
  • RWE Npower Renewables
  • Selex Gallileo

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