date 2013-07-16
Lean Six Sigma Training And The World Of Work

Lean Six Sigma Training And The World Of Work

Had there been no problems in business, Six Sigma would not have been originated. The fundamental reason behind recurring problems in business is errors or defects that are being carried out in the organisations. These not only mar the organisational efficiency but also hamper an organisation’s way to success. Bringing Six Sigma in operation reduces the amount of errors or defects being carried out in the work process of an organisation to almost nil, thereby nipping the root cause of all sorts of problems and facilitate smooth functioning. However, the Six Sigma Training is of prime significance for an organisation wishing to implement Six Sigma within its framework.

What adds to the credibility of the Six Sigma process is its capacity to develop 99.666% defect-free products, consequent upon the reduction of defects in the work process of a company to as low as 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO). Factually, Six Sigma works on a 100% accurate principle of standard deviations and carries out its operations with the same preciseness. The Six Sigma comes with another pack of benefits for an organisation in the form of a well-defined sequence of steps aimed at process cycle time reduction, cost reduction and customer satisfaction.

The Six Sigma merges with Lean to become Lean Six Sigma and the Lean Six Sigma Training helps in the elimination of unnecessary processes being carried out in the business process of a company, thereby cutting the excessive costs being incurred on the same. The Lean Six Sigma Training also focuses on the generation of the least amount of residues that go waste after the production process. In addition, adoption of the Lean Six Sigma strategy within an organisation provides a solution to the problem of overproduction and over-processing.

It would be interesting to know about the origin of the Six Sigma. It was in the mid 1980s that the Six Sigma had its genesis. The system has originally been developed by Motorola Inc, USA. It began the proceedings as statistically based to reduce variation in the electronic manufacturing processes and was equally accepted by the organisations across the world. The Six Sigma gained immense popularity when it was used as the central focus of his business strategy by Jack Welch at General Electric (GE). Today, Six Sigma is adopted as an all-encompassing business performance methodology in diverse business sectors.

The Six Sigma Training pays well for an organisation. The candidates having undergone the Six Sigma Training process emerges to be more-than-ever focused and productive in the workplace. The Six Sigma specialists, in fact, address the crucial areas of improvement and extend viable solutions for problems taking root therein.

The Six Sigma Certification is imparted to the candidates as per their level of expertise in the implementation of Six Sigma under the titles such as Master Black belts, Black belts, Green belts, Orange belts, etc.


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