date 2013-07-01
Walking The Road With Lean Six Sigma Training

Walking The Road With Lean Six Sigma Training

 A lot many institutions have started offering Six Sigma Courses due to the fact that Six Sigma methodology provides near perfect yield to the organisation. Not all institutions are authentic. Some do not even have proper affiliations and credentials. To avoid such confusion it would be better to enrol in The Knowledge Academy which has all the expertise and the resources to train you in Six Sigma.

 We all know that Six Sigma projects are very costly prepositions and cannot be initiated at random. A lot of deliberate study goes into deciding whether a Six Sigma project should be initiated and a lot of statistical data is analysed before embarking upon one. The expenditure and time involved in a Six Sigma project are such that it enfolds all the employees of the organisation. Thus Six Sigma Training is extremely sought after by the managers and the top management.

 The Knowledge Academy’s faculty of trained and experienced Six sigma experts will interact with you in the first person to emphasise that the authenticity of the defect has to be ascertained before even the thought of applying Six Sigma techniques is germinated by the top management. The employees collect a lot of feedback from the customers and the marketplace to identify the defect. They pass it on to the management which then decides to initiate a Six Sigma project. The management then identifies the employees who then go for either Six Sigma Training or Six Sigma Course or a Six Sigma Certification. The various Six Sigma teams then get down to complete the mission of providing a defect free yield which only has only 3.4 defects per million opportunities.

The Six Sigma Training lays specific emphasis on the check valve called DMAIC. The defect is first identified as explained above and then the teams set themselves to measure the defect. Measuring the defect is akin to saying how the defect occurs and what is actually causing the error and how much variation from the normal is caused by the defect. This variation is then analysed in detail and the process of identification of solutions to the problem begins. The Six Sigma Certification coaches trainees the methodology of arriving at the best possible solution. Once that is done the best solution is implemented. The implemented process is later controlled and monitored by the management to see that Six Sigma is a grand success. This is the logic of DMAIC and Six Sigma Training trains you to apply it in all Six Sigma projects.

In the above procedures almost all business processes also automatically improve causing an increase in the overall efficiency of the organisation. Thus Six Sigma has the potential of being a complete management system. The blend of Six Sigma technique being a metric and a methodology culminates into a management system.


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