date 2013-05-08
No Errors With Six Sigma Training

No Errors With Six Sigma Training

What is it about Six Sigma that makes it everyone’s first choice for giving a near perfect yield? It is the most popular choice of all kinds of industry in giving a near perfect service because its methodology is logical and designed to automatically give you a zero error output. The enterpreauners send their management professionals to do Six Sigma course or Six Sigma certification so that they can lead the Six Sigma teams of the organisation on return.

Six Sigma is the statistical methodology of data collection, analysis and implementation of results to achieve a near perfect yield. The Six Sigma teams undergo the Six Sigma training of various durations to be called as Yellow belts, Green belts, Black belts and Master Black belts. They help each other in problem solving. They all are then supervised by project champions who are from the top management of the organisation. Together they ensure the success of a Six Sigma project.

It is pertinent to note that Six Sigma training is done in phases so that you can graduate from one belt cadre to another. Six Sigma projects are not chosen at random. Lot of deliberation goes into it to make sure that it is launched. The direct interaction with the customers and the feedback received from the market confirms the existence of the defect in a product. Once this defect has been identified the Six Sigma teams determine the extent to which this defect affects the overall design specifications of the item. This measurement of the defect leads to analysing the reasons causing the defect. The best solution to rectify is then determined.  A Six Sigma course will teach you to then implement the best possible solution so that it works to give high returns. The new process is then controlled and when the implementation is determined as effective the new process is permanently enforced. This is the essence of DMAIC which is the logical checklist of a Six Sigma project.

As a metric, Six Sigma gives you only 3.4 defects per million opportunities. This is almost approaching zero and hence the desire to apply Six Sigma in the organisations. As a methodology, it addresses the customer needs to the hilt. In the process of removing defects, all the processes also improve. Thus it becomes a methodology for affecting improvements. Also, the metric and methodology of Six Sigma combine to make it a complete management system.

A company does four to five Six Sigma projects in a year. The Six Sigma project managers make lot of money annually and hence the popularity of Six Sigma projects cannot be overemphasised. Doing Six Sigma certification will get you employment all year round and will enhance your standing as a management professional. Thus the Six Sigma training and Six Sigma course and Six Sigma certification are highly recommended. Also, Six Sigma has been the successor to Total Quality Management Japanese technique for quality control and has been instrumental in giving near zero, perfect yield to the production as well as service units.    


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