date 2013-07-11
Let's Practice For Six Sigma!

Let's Practice For Six Sigma!

“Practice makes a man perfect”, is how the cliché goes. The saying indeed is true when it comes to the development of professional skills in a particular arena. However, a lot depends upon the outlet that is being chosen to develop the required skills.

It can roughly be defined as a set of tools and strategies aimed at business improvement. However, at its core, the Six Sigma is a unique methodology that seeks to improve the quality of process outputs by identifying and removing the defects or errors being carried out in the same. As per the stats, the Six Sigma possesses the capability to reduce the amount of errors or defects being carried on the business process of a company to as low as 3.4 defects per million. A product developed under the Six Sigma is likely to be 99.666% defect-free. Other than this, Six Sigma follows a well-defined series of steps aimed at process cycle time reduction, cost reduction, revenue increment and profit enhancement.

Practicing Six Sigma in an organisation can be of immense assistance. The removal of defects or errors from the processes confirms a better quality bottom line. This plays a handy role in customer satisfaction and multiplication of business opportunities. Elimination of delays in the production and other business processes ensures timely supply of goods and services that enhances the reputation of an organisation, which leads to further expansion in its trade opportunities.

The Six Sigma can be practiced in an organisation with the help of the candidates who are well-practiced in the Six Sigma body of knowledge. Therefore, there has been an increasing demand for internal competency in Six Sigma among organisations across different business sectors across the world. To that effect, the Six Sigma Training comes to the fore. Training fundamentally enables the candidates to implement the Six Sigma methods within an organisation. The candidates who have undergone the Six Sigma Training emerge to be more focused on the specified target. Training enables them to become professional performers and address the requirements related to business and the associated problems effectively.

Developed and put into the execution by Motorola, Six Sigma began the proceedings as a statistically-based method to reduce variation in the manufacturing processes in the mid-1980s. This best-practice approach has been equally adopted by a number of companies across the world. However, with the progression of time, the organisations utilised Six Sigma for almost all the processes related to business. Today, the Six Sigma is known as an all-inclusive business performance methodology.


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Six Sigma

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